Students At Orientation
Capital is for All.

Accessible Education Without the Financial Stress

Office of Financial Aid

The Office of Financial Aid is here to help you bridge the gap between your family contribution and the cost of your educational expenses. Understanding the types of aid available, how loans work, and how to manage your costs can be a daunting experience to students and their families. The good news is nearly all Capital students receive some financial assistance.

We’ll help you learn what you need to do to apply for financial aid. Keep in mind filing early will generally provide you with the greatest access to all types of financial assistance. Look over our timeline for applications and decisions to know when you need to start planning your college finances.

Managing Your Costs

Capital works with each student and family to make their higher education experience as accessible as possible. There are a number of  payment strategies for meeting remaining costs at Capital:

Steps to Getting Aid

Filing your FAFSA early can help you gain access to all types of financial assistance. Below are the steps you can take to make sure you take advantage of these opportunities.

  1. Apply for an FSA ID online with the U.S. Department of Education.  This will be used to complete all federally related steps in the financial aid process, including the FAFSA and accessing loan history once you have graduated.
  2. Complete the FAFSA online as soon as possible to be considered for all federal, state and Capital University assistance.
  3. Once we get the results of your FAFSA, we review the information and determine if we must complete the Verification Process
  4. Complete Entrance Counseling for Federal Loans
    Students receiving Federal Direct loans must complete loan entrance counseling online to ensure that you understand the conditions of your loan before you accept the funds.

    Not only is this step required by the Department of Education, but we believe it is an essential step in understanding what it means to be a student loan borrower.  This process only needs to be completed once and thoroughly helps you assess your need for student loans.
  5. Sign a Master Promissory Note if you are a first time Federal Direct loan borrower. This Note is your pledge to repay your student loans.

If you have a Federal Direct loan, you can electronically sign the Master Promissory Note at

Net Price Calculator

Please note the data in the net price calculator reflect institutional aid awarded in previous years. The new data that informs institutional aid awarded in this year will be updated later this fall. If you have questions about your financial award, the net price calculator or anything else related to admission, financial aid or affording Capital, please contact your admission counselor.

Get Started with the Net Price Calculator

Support Services

The Financial Aid Office is located on the first floor of Yochum Hall. If students have any questions about their Financial Aid Award, they can visit the office or call 614-236-6511 (or toll free: 1-866-544-6175).

Students should use myCap to view the following information:

  • Financial Award Letter
  • Financial Aid required documents needed
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress

The Student Accounts Office can answer questions about the Capital Payment Plan, Twice-a-Year Option, or Combination Plans. 

Parents can be added as a Proxy User in myCap to view bill statements, make payments, and view awarded financial aid.

Consumer Information

Capital University is required by federal law to conduct quality assurance and verification of selected students’ financial aid. Get more information about the federal quality assurance and verification process.

Capital University’s Financial Aid Office operates under the guidelines established in the Financial Aid Code of Conduct (PDF). Please contact the office if you have any questions.

See All Consumer Information

Quick Links

What’s next?

Have more questions? Need more detail? Just need to talk to a human?

Our Financial Aid Office is waiting at the ready to help you navigate this process.

Contact Us

Phone: 614-236-6511
